Our Story

Like everything else within this world, medical products which can adapt themselves to their environment have the highest chance of success. We believe that value comes not only from the product itself but from the product in combination with the context in which it is placed. This context is not static, it evolves constantly, integrating new research, technologies, and practices.

Dynamic health economic software allows for real-time adjustments and more accurate predictions of the value of innovations for every context, allowing innovators to adapt to new evidence, policy changes, and specific settings. This empowers health tech companies to keep pace with the ever-evolving needs of the healthcare industry.

Health Economic Software

because  healthcare  (innovation)  never  stands  still. 

In the ever-evolving healthcare industry there is no one value of an innovation

The road to
Health Economic Software

We recognize that the clinical value of new innovations in biotech, pharma, and medtech is not fixed. Instead, it depends on the specific settings in which they are used. Traditional evaluations of these innovations often provide a limited view, focusing on cost-effectiveness and health outcomes in a single setting. These evaluations yield conclusions that, while useful, do not capture the full potential of the innovations.

From our experience in academia, we observed that this limited approach often overlooks significant potential and fails to fully exploit the clinical value of new products. Companies miss opportunities to demonstrate the broader benefits of their innovations, which can lead to underutilization and undervaluation in the market.

We believe in shifting from static evaluations to dynamic assessments of value. By evaluating cost-effectiveness, cost-utility, and cost-benefit across various settings, we can unlock more value from these technologies. Our software enables comprehensive evaluations, showing variations in value across different contexts. This dynamic approach empowers stakeholders—doctors, hospitals, and others—to see the added value of innovations in their specific settings, rather than relying on generic evaluations.

We call this 'Health Economic Software’. Health Economic Software helps companies maximize the clinical value of their innovations, ensuring they reach their full potential and improve healthcare outcomes.


Tim Govers, PhD


CEO | HTA expert | Business developer

Tim Govers has a PhD in the use of decision models to make health care decisions for both the population and individual patients. After obtaining his PhD, he analyzed the added value of medical products for a great number of medical companies from his role at the Radboudumc and MedValue. In this role, he performed and supervised many model-based analyses of the value of diagnostic and prognostic tests.

Stan Wijn, PhD


CTO | Modeling expert | Software developer

Stan Wijn completed his PhD research on the analysis of the added value of medical interventions in subgroups of the population using a wide variety of statistical approaches. He has developed various applications that are used to demonstrate the value of medical interventions to healthcare professionals, such as physicians. He has also developed predictive algorithms to make predictions about treatment outcomes for patients.

Over 14 years of experience in health technology assessment, software development and data-analytics

All the right tools for the dynamic assessment of the value of a technology

Our Experiences

Medip Analytics has a wide experience over technologies and disease areas.



  • Liquid biopsies
  • (Epi)genetic markers
  • Imaging techniques
  • Image-guided therapies
  • AI Algorithms
  • Devices
  • Implants
  • and more..


Disease areas

  • Airway infections
  • Bladder cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Colorectal cancers
  • COPD
  • Dementia
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • Head and neck cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Lung cancer
  • Melanoma
  • Meniscus injuries
  • Prostate cancer
  • Schwannoma
  • Stroke detection
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • and more..


Scientific Publications


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Schedule a demo with our experts

Schedule a demo to see how Health Economic Software can improve the market uptake of your products.

Designed to help you maximize the value of your diagnostic, prognostic, or companion diagnostic product.
Medip Analytics offers a cost-effectiveness evaluation service for your diagnostic, prognostic, or companion diagnostic product across any disease area.
Database and analysis of cost data from US hospitals. Search for healthcare costs based on CPT-code.
Our consultancy services are designed to assist companies with all health economic questions. We leverage our scientific expertise and extensive experience to advise you on your health economic strategy.
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Health Economic Software

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